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La Novella Orchidea

Long before, in a wonderful Lombard Manor, the corpses of three people were found viciously mangled by the blade of a knife. The condition of the dead bodies, belonging to the architect of the Manor, Violet, his girlfriend and the buyer’s son Manuel, had been allocated to Violet himself presumably in a jealous rage, having caught the two cheating lovers in the act. Nonetheless, the bloody curtain seems to re-open three centuries later on another soon-to-be-married couple living in that same house. These two, after inviting the narrator and his bride-to-be to the mansion, along with an old Professor and his wife and two more friends, delight in building a scenario of what really might have happened a long time before and wondering how the murky persona of a lutist, inventor of “the countervailed lyre”, a peculiar instrument able to measure the weight of air, might have shaken up the situation.

Formato Fumetti
Lingue EN
Anno 2018
Genere Thriller
Prezzo 3,99 €
Traduttrice Alessia Bettini
Illustratore Calogero Burgio
Traduzioni IT, FR, ES
Varianti Ebook
Opera tutelata su con numero di registro 80527
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