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La Novella Orchidea

An eBook, a comic book and an audiobook for June

We are now in the middle of summer and it is time to think about some reading and listening… refreshing! So here’s an eBook, a comic book and an audiobook for June.

Lo sceriffo di Godhill on Avon: the good side of outlaws

As you wander through this fantastic forest, full of outlaws, you may come across a beautiful… scoundrel! But you can’t miss the “good guys” in the story, too, namely a sheriff and his pert wife, as well as the amnesiac on duty, a prince full of love troubles…

Discover the story “Lo sceriffo di Godhill on Avon” at this link.

The soul quantum theory: sometimes a dreamless sleep is better

Poor Professor Turgimann (in name and in fact…) had better not dream at night. For it is the Archangel Gabriel himself who will guide him on a journey to the origin of man and original sin. What does all this have to do with his personal events and his relationship with his wife? You will only find out by enjoying this full-colour comic, created by the fantastic hand of Marco Visentin!

You can find all the info on the comic book ‘The soul quantum theory” at this link.

The Maharajah’s violin: when an instrument hides more than just a story

Can an entire audiobook revolve around a musical instrument? Of course it can, if the instrument is a precious violin specimen and its workmanship an incredible (and dubious) piece of craftsmanship. If we then add that the poor maker, many decades later, is presented with a mysterious Maharajah who asks for an identical copy, where does that leave us? Especially since the construction of this instrument is very unusual and women are quite definitely involved. Enjoy listening!

Come and discover the audiobook “The Maharajah’s Violin” at this link.

See you next month with tips for an even hotter summer!

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